How Much Does Bail Cost In California?

To understand how much bail costs, you must first understand the crime that’s committed. Via the bail schedule, you’ll find the dollar amount you have to pay the courts to be released from jail. That dollar amount will change depending on what misdemeanor or felony was committed. 

But that’s not really the topic we want to discuss for an entire article. Instead, we want to talk about something much more affordable, like a bail bond

How do bail bonds work?

Bail bonds are the same in every county in California. Why? Because the government sets a standardized fee, also known as a premium. This premium is 10% of the total bail amount. That means if your bail is set at $5,000, the bail bond will be $500. 

The government organization that’s in charge of this set premium is called the California Department of Insurance, and they don’t really consider exceptions. Except for when it pertains to senior citizens. In these cases, the “premium” is lowered to 8% of the total bail. Additional participants that get this 8% bail bond rate include active members of the United States military, union members, and defendants that are working with secured legal representation. 

The one issue that all defendants will face when choosing to pay for a bail bond is that once they send the cash in, they cannot get any of it back. You see, when you personally pay the full bail amount, you’re granted the full bail amount back after trial if you appear at all court sessions. When you personally pay the full bail bondsman amount, in the form of a 10% fee, that money is gone forever. It’s the money the bond company makes in order to help you gain freedom from jail. 

how much does bail cost in california

If I do research, can I find a cheaper bail bondsman?

In short, the answer to that question is yes. But, they’re not trustworthy

You see, a bail bond company that offers a lower rate than 10% can exist, but these “cheap bail bonds” violate California Law. The last thing you want to do is work with an illegal company.

Are bail bondsman companies licensed?

100% of the time they are licensed by the California Department of Insurance. They need this accredited license in order to get you released from jail.

Do bail bond companies consider risk before signing contracts with clients?

Yes, in fact, they do. Why would a bail bond company want to work with a client if they pose a flight risk? Or a number of any other risks?

Before signing a contract, a legitimate company will consider:

  • The severity of the offense
  • Criminal background
  • Potential jail time the defendant is facing
  • The employment status
  • Residence status
  • Credit rating
  • Collateral and assets
  • Bail bond payment method

bail cost in california

Do payment plans exist with a bail bonds company?

Most of the time, bail bonds companies require the 10% fee of the original bail amount to be paid in full in order for the defendant to be released from jail. Some exceptions may apply, if a particular agency accepts payment plans.

In a case of an accepted payment plan, the co-signer has to have good credit and/or be a homeowner in the state of California. Speak with the company you’re working with to learn more information. 

If you have any questions or concerns about bail or bail bonds, please contact Synergy Bail Bonds today. Our professionals are waiting by the phone to assist anyone in need. We’ll help you or your loved one get released from jail as soon as today, that’s a promise.

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